Sorry about zapping your talk page thing, but it was a suggestion I don't want outsiders to see at all, on the theory that they might actually do it. Saarlacfunkel (talk) 14:28, 20 April 2021 (UTC)

That's totally fine, it was a stupid thing to say, I'm still kinda reeling from the 15 day vacation though, and I myself had forgotten half of the things I had planned to do before the site went down - User:Rocko1345

Work on the Flames of War pages edit

Thanks for catching some of my errors and uploading images and stat sheets. I appreciate it. --Lord Of The Lemmings (talk) 20:21, 2 December 2021 (UTC)

No problemo Lemmings, honestly beside doing the templates for the fantasy factions, the Flames of War pages are a lot of fun to do! - (talk)

I'd like to ask for a favor. I suck at implementing images, and there are a few Flames of War articles that could really use some. Would you be willing to add a couple if I named the pages for you? --Lord Of The Lemmings (talk) 16:28, 9 June 2022 (UTC)

Honestly, the biggest problem I have when it comes to doing edit stuff is that I never know when to begin, a list of things to do would be a big help thank you! - (User:Rocko1345)

Epic! Ok, so here's the list

1. Turan 2. Rifle Company 3. Churchill (I think it needs another image) 4. Vickers Platoon 5. Humber Scout Car Troop 6. 17lb gun 8. Archer (Tank Destroyer) 9. Typhoon 10. Hungarian Rifle Platoon 11. Toldi II 12. Panzer 38 (T) 13. Zrinyi Assault Gun 14. T55 Gun Motor Carriage 15. M20 Security section 16. T-70 17. Valentine 18. KV 19. Soviet Rifles (One image for the whole page? Unacceptable!) 20. Katyusha (Same as above) 21. 152mm Artillery 22. 45mm anti-tank 23. BA-64 platoon 24. ISU-122/ISU-152 25. SU-85 ...maybe a little more than a few. I'll try to help a little, but I suck at this. --Lord Of The Lemmings (talk) 23:35, 10 June 2022 (UTC)

It shall be done, tomorrow because I just got through a long week and I shall use tomorrow to refresh with some page writing. -- (Rocko1345)