User talk:Kaimuund
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Here are the faction abilities. I have stratagems, warlord traits, artifacts, and new stats for all units and weapons.
Covenant Factions
Faction Faction Ability
Servants of Truth • Models may move and shoot heavy weapons without penalty. • Any model that did not move during the Movement Phase may re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase. • When firing Overwatch, a natural roll of 5 or 6 causes a hit, instead of only a 6.
Agents of Regret • Opponents receive a -1 penalty to hit any of your units that are benefiting from Cover. • After Falling Back from combat, models in this Faction may still shoot in the Shooting Phase with a -1 penalty to hit.
Deliverers of Mercy • Units in this Faction can still Charge in a turn that they Advanced. • When attacking during the Fight Phase, any natural rolls of 6 cause 1 additional hit with the same weapon. • On any turn that a unit Charged, it may re-roll hit rolls of 1 during the subsequent Fight phase.
Wartribes of Tartarus • Any unit in this Faction may re-roll failed charge rolls. • All units gain a +1 bonus to charge rolls, • Every time a model from this Faction with the Brute keyword successfully completes a Charge move, it rolls 1D6. On a roll of 5+, it deals 1 mortal wound to an enemy unit within 1”. • You cannot include any units with the Elite or Prophet keyword in a Wartribes of Tartarus Detachment.
Swords of Sanghelios • All units in a Swords of Sanghelios Detachment can Heroically Intervene as if they were Characters. • When a Character in a Swords of Sanghelios Detachment Heroically Intervenes, it may do so when within 6” of an enemy unit, and moves 6”, instead of 3”. • On any turn a Swords of Sanghelios unit Charged, was Charged, or Heroically Intervened, it gains +1 to hit rolls in the Fight Phase. • You cannot include any units with the Brute or Prophet keyword in a Swords of Sanghelios Detachment.
Remnants • Whenever a model with the Remnants Faction keyword would lose a wound, roll 1D6. On a roll of 6, the wound is not lost. This does not stack with similar effects like Hard to Kill, or Zealot. • Enemy units do not receive the benefit to their saving throws for being in cover against attacks made by Remnants models with this tactic. • All units in a Remnants Faction Detachment can re-roll failed morale checks, and never lose more than 1 model from a failed check. • Remnants Detachments may not include any units with the Prophet keyword.
The Banished • Vehicles in a Banished Detachment count their total remaining wounds as double when determining whether their stats degrade. • All units with the Banished keyword ignore AP -1 penalties when making saving throws, counting them as AP0. • You can re-roll a single failed hit roll and a single failed wound roll made for a Banished unit with this trait each time it shoots or fights. • Banished Detachments may not include any units with the Prophet keyword.