1) The latest FAQ I could find online is from Febuary 25th, 2013. Was there a newer one?

2) As I understand it, only the Bale Taurus has the flaming breath weapon, not the Great Taurus. But both have regular flaming attacks and the Blazing Body and Fuelled by Fire rules. And they differ by 80 points. Has this been FAQ'ed beyond the one from 2013?

3) I would say you do have armour and ward saves against the Black Hammer of Hashut. Just if you didn't make one, you're killed outright. I would argue that "successful" means "unsaved" in this regard. It is also noteworthy however that it does not have flaming attacks, so no worries about dragonbane gem and the like.

4) The description of the Ashstorm is a little misleading, Ashstorm gives a -1 to hit modifier in close combat and -2 on shooting attacks. Regular moves of the affected unit don’t cause DT tests.

5) Castellans are not really Dwarf Thanes, Dwarf Thanes have LD10. Also important for the tactic described under the Fireglaive entry, putting a “stubborn LD10 hero” in the unit only works with the standard of discipline


1) I've got exactly the same version

Perfect, than I'm up to speed. --Jasko (talk) 21:15, 20 November 2018 (UTC)

2) I didn't cover Bale Taurus and Great Taurus. There were done originally in 2013 I recon. LoA is my 4th army Dwarfs, Nugle Chaos, Dark Elves and LoA and what i've learned while fighting As Druchii is that big flyers are mostly useless. So I don't even purchased a Taurus.

Alright, then I'll change it. --Jasko (talk) 21:15, 20 November 2018 (UTC)

3) Sounds good to me. There are many points in rules that are subject of long and loud discussions - if u know what I mean. I.E. Killing Blow - does ward save saves against it?

What do you mean, it's super clear about Ward Saves: Rulebook page 72 "A Ward Save may be attempted - if passed, the Ward Save prevents all damage from the Killing Blow" --Jasko (talk) 21:15, 20 November 2018 (UTC)

4) Unit treats all terrain as dangerous terrain - therefore it must do a test. I agree however to misleading description. fixed it.

True, but units only make the dangerous terrain test if they march, charge, flee, overrun or pursue into or through the dangerous terrain. Normal moves do not trigger the test. --Jasko (talk) 21:15, 20 November 2018 (UTC)

5) Castellans are Stubborn as per Tamurkhan p. 189. If a Stubborn character joins a unit, that unit is Stubborn as long as he is among them - Main rulebook p. 76. And Stubborn are Steadfast.

In this point i forgot Castellans LD is 9, not 10.

Yeah that's what I meant. I like the "must obliterate this scum" Castellan with Enchanted Shield and Talisman of Endurance. --Jasko (talk) 21:15, 20 November 2018 (UTC)

Thanks for advices.

Thanks for the answers! --Jasko (talk) 21:15, 20 November 2018 (UTC)
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