User talk:Halaolamana

VeryIntelligentShadeOfTheColourBlue (talk): Dear Halaolamana

I like some of the stuff you’ve made, and the angry marines could do with some new art which wasn’t made a decade ago. I also have a bit of spare cash (although not enough for several drawings of the cool ad mec guy that’s on your tumblr), and appreciate that nothing new is going to be made for the angry marines unless it’s paid for. As far as models I’d really like art for:

  • Sergeant Asshole McCuntface.
  • Rachnus Rageous
  • Black Brothers
  • Angry Serfs
  • Angry Drop Pod
  • Angry Warhound Titan

As far as art style goes I rather like how a lot of the old art stuff was done, with garish yellows and almost cartoonishly angry faces (I’m sure your already familiar with the stuff I’m talking about). Are there any models or characters you have any ideas for?

Kind regards Blue

Halaolamana (talk): Dear VeryInteelligentShadeOfTheColourBlue

Thank you for the opportunity!

I already have a drawing about 25% of the way done of a angry marines tactical seagrent being sucked off by a Ultramarines primaris (no nudity but its pretty well implied) if there is a use for that than id love to contribute.

Angry Drop pod is another on i could get done pretty soon and Sergeant Asshole McCuntface sounds fun as well (if i could get a PDF of his load out it would be helpful)

As far as Payment is concerned i wouldn't worry about it, i understand its a fan made work so if anything any donations are appreciated but not entirely necessary. although they would help me complete them faster.

I am finishing up finals for school but i think i can give you at least one finished piece whiten the next couple of weeks

if you have a discord, skype or email i could send you what i have Once again thank you


VeryIntelligentShadeOfTheColourBlue (talk): Dear Hala

A homoerotic interaction between an angry marine and an ultramarine will be unnecessary, as although it will be funny (and possibly arrousing) the images I’m after for the codex are just to represent each unit type, although it would fit in with the gallery at the bottom of the angry marine page (it’s also against cannon because space marines are children sexually unless they were already an adult, the process which makes a boy into a marine makes them almost sexless).

For the drop pod it would be very cool if there could be some angry marines clinging to the side of it (although I’m sure you already had that idea).

We can sort something out as far as donations go, create one part of an image (a line image for example) for me to get an idea of what the final images will look like. I’m thinking around £10-30 each (I’m british so I use the superior pound sterling (insert rule Britannia)).

Good luck with your finals, I finished my degree relatively rescently so I know what finals are like.

Kind regards BlueHalaolamana (talk):


Just thought id check in and say i put some line art on my tumblr of some of the things you asked for. i might make more from the list you've provided just because im having a lot of fun with it

I think the rates you've suggested are perfectly reasonable.

I went ahead and used my tumblr because its easier for me to wrap my head around image uploads, ill probably learn this sites system but i lack the mental energy currently (im lazy)

let me know what you think :) or any tweaks you might like [[1]]

VeryIntelligentShadeOfTheColourBlue (talk): The black brother needs more fire and smoke and there needs to be a bit more graffiti on the characters, but otherwise they’re awesome. Do you have a patreon?

Halaolamana (talk):

Im glad you like them! ill be sure to have your request's in the final product. im thinking ill have at least one out within the next week or so, im sure i can get these 3 done before Christmas.

I do have a patron but i haven't updated it since 2017 unfortunately its under the same name as my profile here (i definitely cleaned it up a bit so id be less embarrassed lol)

VeryIntelligentShadeOfTheColourBlue (talk): Scratch that, found it. I’ve created a $38 patreon slot, but that won’t pay until January 1st, so is it possible for you to create a one off payment option. I don’t think I’d mind paying that a month if you keep delivering the goods, but I’d like to make an immediate payment for the current work your doing.

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