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Who is this shitboot?[edit]

I'm a fat neckbeard sitting around, medically unemployable, with nothing better to do, that's what. To occupy my time and prevent me from completely losing my Emperor-damned mind, I curate the MEGA repository for the 40k RPG General thread. If I'm not there and shit needs fixing ASAP, fire me an email from here. I'm completely incompetent at wiki markup, I can't figure out how to properly enable it. Just post on the talk page, it'll email me.

Shit is broken in the MEGA, again, asshat. Come fix it.[edit]

So, if something is missing or corrupted in the MEGA, and I either haven't shown my face in the general, or there isn't one of the those text files like there is in the RT subfolder, fire me an email through here post on the talk page.

Obviously, if said email post just says "Get back here you incompetent fuckwit, fix it." I'm gonna laugh at you and ignore it. Please, if shit's broken, tell me the EXACT directory path, how its broken, and if needed, the exact steps to duplicate the issue. That step is mostly for shit like what happened with the RT stuff. If THAT happens again, tell me if its still Adobe Reader that can only view it, or if its another program this time.

I'm gonna assume most of you have submitted bug reports at least once in your lives. Treat it like that. The more information, the quicker I can fix it.

That's all I can think of that's relevant. Enjoy.

(No, I'm not posting the MEGA link here unless an admin says its cool. I am NOT going to be known as the jackass who sank 1d4chan)

Serious Message for serious anons[edit]

Look, the issues between FFG and GW suck. They suck the big fat one. The fact that 40kRPG in its current form is effectively dead is a shitty fucking situation. One that I'm gonna try to mitigate by keeping the MEGA going. Its not going anywhere, and neither am I. Kinda. I've been AWOL from /tg/ for awhile.