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Tables Created[edit]
- Imperial Guard Regiment Commander Creation Tables
- Ork Warboss Creation Tables
- Space Marine Battle Brother Creation Tables
- Chaos Space Marine Creation Tables
- Adeptus Mechanicus Tech Priest Creation Tables
Working On[edit]
Hive World Creation Tables (Early Stages)
- Extra/Reworked rolls for the Planet Generator.
- Agri World Creation Tables with links back to the Planet Generator "Trade Goods" section, of Agriculture/Animal Products.
- Planetary Governor Tables with links back to the Planet Generator "Society Type". Or additions to the Noble House Creation Tables.
- Skitarii Creation Tables? May merge a section into the Tech-Priest Tables once nearer completion for ease.
- Add a "Lifespan" section to the Creature Feature Creation Table for /tg? - Only for extra fluff, but would still be lore-friendly.
- Expand the Space Marine Battle Brother Creation Tables to include specific rolls for the Chapter Master, or create a new table specifically for generating a *Chapter Master.
- Make the Surtux-Gemi System page, and an Al-Thys Subsector page and link it to both systems. (Will take a lot of time combing through the threads, so low priority.)
- Make a Subsector map for the Al-Thys Subsector