I am the main/one of the main editors for all things Angry Marines,the TG codexes (although that is mostly Chaledys work) and the great big maths blob which is the 9th edition Apocalypse tactics.
Alas, my recent career choices has meant that I have a lot less time to work on stuff as I used to. How young and carefree I used to be. How much spare time I used to have. Those were glorious days.
I’m also the one responsible for commissioning all this lovely artwork now littering the various pages on TG (see the bottom of my page for them all. It’s all open source now but please give Halaolamana a mention when you do use the art. Or even better, give him a large wad of hard cash to create something new for you.
And finally, the name is a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference. Alas, I'm not clever enough to design the star ship heart of gold.Current Armies[edit]
- Space Marines/Angry Marines
- Imperial Knights/Angry Marines/Angry Custodes
- Adeptus Custodes/Angry Custodes
- Death Guard (if you can call the leftovers of box sets and second hand eBay models an army).
Current Projects[edit]
There’s a fair few pages that I add/have added to in the past which are not listed here.
Angry Marines[edit]
- Codex - Angry Marines 8th Edition (although this is almost finished)
- Codex - Angry Marines: /tg/'s 9th Edition
- Codex - Angry Marines: /tg/'s 10th Edition
- Tactics - Angry Marines
- Angry Marine stories (although the current story is taking a bloody long time)
- Kill Team - Angry Marines although I have only just started this.
- Codex - Angry Custodes who are custodes, but angry.
- Ashes of Yggdrasil along with Chaledy who’s a lovely chap and you should definitely say hi to them.
- Codex - Officio Iratus where you can find the rules for the more human units associated with the Angry Marines. Also the home of Fuklaw’s daughter.
Space Marines[edit]
Imperial Guard[edit]
- Maccabian Janissaries fan rules
- Codex - Da Warp Gitz, the rules for tuska and his ever fighting lads, the rules for Tuska Daemon-Killa can also be found on his page.
- Ork Submersible fan rules
- Squig Catapult fan rules
- Junka fan rules
- Orkimedes fan rules
- Minelayer fan rules
- Weirdboy Tower fan rules
- Gargant and Stompa fan rules
- Cerebore fan rules
- Cortex Leech fan rules
- Dactylis fan rules
- Dominatrix fan rules
- Hydraphant fan rules
- Nautiloid fan rules
- Viciator fan rules
- Viragon fan rules
- Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Apocalypse(9E)
- Warhammer 40,000/10th Edition Tactics/Apocalypse
- The Killer of the Maze, a board game which I am making with the ever awesome Chaledy. So far it's looking to be an original idea (or at least as original as anything to do with warhammer can be), and I suggest that you give the game a look, and if you really like it then kidnap some people to play it with.
Commissioned Works[edit]
This section is for my reference so that I can keep track of the URL’s for commissioned art. All of which is made by Halaolamana, drop them a message if you want any work commissioning yourself.