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25% more faggotry than the leading brand.

Wow, nobody took my name on 1d6chan; reclaiming it was easy. Not that I told anybody my real name. ... and damn this part I removed was ow the edge.

I make games sometimes using vanity press like TheGameCrafter; but telling you which ones are mine is doxxing myself.

Why write?
"If you're waiting for a boss or an editor or a college to tell you that you do good work, you're handing over too much power to someone who doesn't care nearly as much as you do. We spend a lot of time organizing and then waiting for the system to pick us, approve of us and give us permission to do our work.
"Feedback is important, selling is important, getting the market to recognize your offering and make a sale -- all important. But there's a difference between achieving your goals and realizing your work matters.
"If you have a book to write, write it. If you want to record an album, record it. No need to wait for someone in a cubicle halfway across the country to decide if you're worthy."
from "Validation is Overrated" by Seth Godin.

Some ideas
  • Mobile Frame Zero - skirmish miniatures/LEGO combat from the dude that wrote "Kill Puppies For Satan" and "Apocalypse World".  (Goddamn "Powered by the Apocalypse" really took off after I wrote that.)
  • pen & paper version of BSP dungeon generation
  • Now that I have the reverse-engineered data about Archon, turn it into a board-game.
  • Solo gaming is a thing, esp. after the fuckin' COVID turned us all into hikikomori slobs.
  • More tool/resource lists like Generators

Stuff I made and I watch or keep going back to for tweaking

... ha ha my Special:Watchlist didn't survive the transfer. Guess I gotta reassemble it.