User:KhorneFlake Manufacturer

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So Yeah... Here we go.
I am the Flake Manufacturer



Random stuff[edit]


Dark Heresy 1st ed Campaign[edit]

Under the watchful eye of Inquisitor Delphi, aboard the 'Litany of Faithful Avengers, Harbinger of Justice and Judgement, Watchful Bastion of His Will, Praise of Holy Terra's Harbour, Effigy of Exterminatus, Righteous Beacon, Purging Flame of the Loyal' (or for short the Harbour).

Samson IV[edit]

The Heresy of Samson IV.
A -normally- productive hive world that supplies to a nearby forge world suddenly has drastically low production rates as well as a record low number of criminal activity...


The Case of Sisk.
A feudal world that is used as a recruitment planet for the Black Templars, but no one was eligible to be recruited this time.


Clean up on Kuluth.
A war world (formerly forge world) leveled after an incursion of both Chaos and Ork forces. It is reported the planet's status became endangered after retrieving an STC Template.