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I was there, man…
My default expression.
"Awheehaw, zat’s going in ze book, you briseur de serment!"
– Me, every time you upload a picture with a gibberish name and without any category
"And much like Sisyphus, we are all working together for an ideal state of society where knowledge is democratised and universally accessible, contributing to the overall betterment of humanity. In other word, a Wikitopia!"
Ophiuchus, very paraphrased

I am a 1m80 French WikiGnome, a Human Supremacist, and a professional grumbler.

I love formatting, adding pictures, links and top quotes. Especially top quotes.

I am also the autistic author of the Primaris fan codex. Even if you do not like Primaris, you should check it. You would be surprise how hard I tried to keep the old philosophy of the Firstborn military organisation.

Lucius vs. Sigismund in Horus Heresy 2.0[edit]

Lucius with Nineteen against Sigismund:
  • (6*((1/2)+(1/6)*(1/2))+(1/3)*(1/2))*((2/3)+(1/6)*(2/3))*(1-(1/2)) = 1.43 unsaved wounds
Lucius with the Blade of the Laer against Sigismund:
  • (5*((1/2)+(1/6)*(1/2))+(1/4))*((5/6)+(1/6)*(5/6))*(1-(1/2)) = 1.54 unsaved wounds
Sigismund with the Black Sword against Lucius:
  • (4*(1/2)+((1/2)*(1/2)))*(5/6)*(1-(1/2)+((1/2)*(1/2))) = 1.40 unsaved wounds
Conclusion: Since Sigismund has Eternal Warrior and Instant Death and Lucius does not, Sigismund win. End of the story.

Saved top quotes for future use[edit]

"Orks now are basically bonsai Krorks."
– Anon
"There are three attributes for which I am grateful to Fortune: that I was born, first, human and not animal; second, man and not woman; and third, Greek and not barbarian."
– Thales
"De minimis non curat praetor." - "The commander does not bother with the smallest things."
– Latin expression
"No true son of the Primarchs could long look upon the might of the new Primaris brothers and not wish to take up that mantle of power for themselves. They sought this agonising apotheosis not for personal glory, but because no Space Marine would refuse greater strength, resilience and weaponry with which to protect the Imperium and slaughter their many foes."
Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines
"When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches a cold."
– Klemens von Metternich
"Blasphemy? Before what, God? A God repulsed by the miserable humanity he created in his own image? I will not be shackled by the failures of your God. The only blasphemy is to wallow in insignificance! I have taken the refuse of your God's failures, and I have triumphed!"
– Herbert West, Bride of Re-Animator
"If you want to win a fight, send Kirk."
"If you want to win a war, send Sisko."
"If you want to win before a conflict even starts, send Picard."
– Anon, about Star Trek
"There's no word to describe the top of impossibility! We need to invent a new word for that! It's... I means it's... Devilapocalyptic!"
– Joueur du Grenier, on the last level of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game
"This is only a foretaste of what is to come, and only the shadow of what is going to be. We have to have some experience with the machine before we really know its capabilities. It may take years before we settle down to the new possibilities, but I do not see why it should not enter any one of the fields normally covered by the human intellect, and eventually compete on equal terms."
– Alan Turing
"Quality means doing it right when no one is looking."
– Henry Ford
"On est toujours le con de quelqu'un, et tant pis pour lui." - "We are always someone's fool, and too bad for them."
– Jean Dion, Le Devoir

Formatting to use for "Promotional" galleries[edit]

[Safe images here]

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="100%">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
[horny images here]


For ShasVa fan-dex.

Ranged Weapon Range A BS S AP D Abilities
Superstorm rocket launcher 48" D3+1 4+ 7 -1 D3 Blast, Heavy, Indirect Fire

Formatting I have to use/keep in mind[edit]

  • <div style="float:right; margin:2.0em;">__TOC__</div> - This little bit of code allow to move the the "Table of Contents" of an article wherever you want. Very useful when you have a lot of section. In this example, it put the table on the right of the page, much like [[File:picture|right]].
  • Red Deck Wins - I need to create more links to this article. Shit is hilarious.
  • Spy - I need to create more links to this article.
  • Elfslayer Chronicles - I need to create more links to this article.