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Question: Are Gue'Vesa considered to be part of the Fire Caste, or are they just associated soldiers? Biggus Berrus 09:33, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
The caste system only applies to the Tau. Humans are not segregated along caste lines and the term Gue'vesa just means "Human Helpers" thus it applies to any human citizen of the Tau empire ranging from soldier to planetary governor. ilniaj
Gue'Vesa Space Marines[edit]
Does the Humans that joins Tau Empire can be Space Marine chapter that joins Greater Good?
if no then why?
- Space Marines are still individuals, so theretically one could abandon his chapter and join the Gue'vesa. It's probably unlikely though. Why would most Space Marines give a crap about the Tau when humans under the Tau are still second class citizens? It's easy for an individual human to turn if that human's life was crap and the Tau offer a better life, but a Space Marine probably looks at humanity as a bigger whole than that. Maybe a space marine will turn against the Imperium for individual freedom (like Huron did) or because Chaos corrupted him, but I don't think the Tau have much to offer a Space Marine from either an individual or an idealogical point . TiamatRoar (talk) 00:57, 13 November 2016 (UTC)
Abhuman Gue'vesa?[edit]
With how the Imperium treats Abhumans and Mutants, even non-Chaos Mutants, you'd think they'd be rushing to join the T'au first chance they'd get?
- The mutants don't have that option. They are not the ones in charge of ships and conscription is automatically determined if the Tau take a world. The mutants also wouldn't know about the Tau's policies because there's no way the Imperium would ever let them know. -- Triacom (talk) 23:42, 9 September 2023 (UTC)