Talk:Captain Matthias Ward

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10/10 would rage again (jimmies especially rustled at Spess Wulf disbandment, shit status: flipped when Anatolia was mentioned -- 12:50, 14 March 2012 (UTC)

9/10 i knew what i was getting into after reading the first sentance, and thus expected my neckbeard rage to reach OVER 9000!!!! it didnt fail either.

10/10. A wonderfully succinct representation of the stupidity of Matt Ward's writing. May he be tortured by a Wolf Priest and BT Chaplain when he dies.

best story 5eva lyk dis if u cry every time

i just threw up all over my keyboard GOD DAMNIT WARD

I'm well aware its a joke, I'm well aware it is a dramatization, but I feel legitimately physically ill, and I haven't even finished it yet. /TG/, this is one time I wish you HADN'T gotten shit done.-Cystus

The thing is, captain Matthias Ward is actually all the primarchs, and the emperor. Of course, it's all a fever dream of a kid in a coma, as he slowly dies at age 12. -WAAAGH! Emprah

wait, so if ward is the emperor, that means this is a loop of events, with him always failing to save humanity, and being put on a golden toilet for 10,000 years and becoming a vegetable, meaning ward eventually got his deserved punishment

This is the worst piece of shit I ever read. It started out as fun (sniper rifle that shoots plasma), got offensive (killed five carnifexes), then awesome (drinking Failbaddon's tears), and then got extremely irritating. 10/10 would take out of context and show to friends.