Talk:Busty Barbarian Bimbos

Math edit

I'd like to see us steer away from mid-play math as much as possible, by which I mean I support the removal of Hit Point (subtraction is math) and a reworking of equipment away from mathematical modifiers to stats. At its extreme, this may be a bit absurd, but the underlying premise we're working with is't exactly serious literature. -- 04:30, 19 March 2012 (UTC)

Formatting edit

When you guys think you've got all the tables down... Wikify them for easier reading. 07:58, 15 March 2012 (UTC)

Settings edit

This system seems very appropriate to run Queen's Blade in. 07:58, 15 March 2012 (UTC)

Agreed, though I'm leaning towards the quasi-Darksun concept (wherein the lack of male protagonists is explained by the fell magic of Man-kings that have horded the world's manliness for themselves) --04:30, 19 March 2012 (UTC)

tg bans edit

Ok, somehow I've gotten banned for forbidden text from /tg/ and have no idea what was so bad. The following was what I posted in an attempt to restart conversation about a 404'd thread:

In the grim darkness of last night, the last thread went away.
The general idea here is to see how BBB might work in a Warhammer 40k or other sci-fi setting. Which isn't to say that bimbo barbarians didn't always have a natural home in a post-apocalyptic Heavy Metal-style sci-fi realm.

This is the second time I've been hit with a one-day ban for trying to start a BBB thread, and I'm at a loss. Could it be the fact that I used the "index.php" version of the URL instead of just ? --Burrowowl 19:17, 4 April 2012 (BST)

Setting and other matters edit

Seems perfect to run Gor in. Been telling some lady gamer friends of mine and they are down to play this, however, I'm unclear how damage works. Does it negate stat for one round, with a second negation rendering the bimbo incapacitated (could be that I skimmed over this)? If so how does NPC damage work? How does healing work?


Damage is meant to be super-simple, but perhaps isn't explained very well. Any given "attack" affects a stat on the target character (in the case of an NPC, it's whatever their one stat is). If the attack hits, the target is denied that stat for a full round (all the way through to the end of the attacker's turn comes up again and gets to act again). I like to think of a character, NPC or Bimbo, as "vulnerable" when denied a stat, as any further attack against that stat allows the attacker to incapacitate the target.
This kind of damage can represent a character being concussed, rattled, confused, off-balance, or whatever seems appropriate to the situation, but the mechanical effect is always the same: the stat cannot be used for a turn and the character is at risk of incapacitation.
"Healing" happens automatically after the attacker's next turn. The closest think to "hit points" that bimbos have in this game are their clothes, which can be sacrificed in a wardrobe malfunction to negate attacks. You can recover these by putting on an undamaged garment. NPCs get plot armor (couldn't think of a better name, sorry), which works the same as clothes for a bimbo, but it is't always thematically appropriate for a giant gorilla or dinosaur or whatever to literally have clothes on, and there are some bad guys (like sweaty eunuch warrior-slaves) that you just don't want to think about running around naked. Ew. Better to just abstract their durability a bit, don't you think?
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