Talk:Age of Sigmar/Tactics/Old/Order/Seraphon

Lords of Space and Time

Did the chart change in GHB 2.0? I thought it was as follows:

1: No move at all

2-5: 9" away from enemy, counts as your move.

6: 9" away from enemy and you can move normally.

I don't have the GHB 2.0 so it might have been updated. Currently the article lists it as a D3 style roll.

-- 04:33, 9 August 2018 (UTC)

Doubling Up Endless Spells edit

The bound and unbound versions have different names, therefore you can take both. The FAQ that I believe the past edit is referring to is about a unit standing on more than one endless spell at a time (Vortex on vortex)

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