Talk:-4 Str

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It is one. And people must hear it.

This coming from a dude who just has to tell people about "fucking Jews." Butthurt greedy fucking Jew.

Oh boy here we go[edit]

Added the {{editwar}} label because I'm seeing edits that are "I think this is bad, and you should feel bad for disagreeing with me." I think 'my fetish is not your fetish' sums it up nicely because it can be said by both pro-skub and anti-skub fetishists. --NotBrandX 15:22, 23 March 2011 (UTC)

Origin of -4 STR[edit]

Why is the meme -4 STR anyway? FATAL gives women -15 STR. - Ahri 11:15, 26 July 2008 (UTC)

It's my understanding that at one point or another D&D gave women -2 STR and +2 CHA, which was perverted into -4 STR. I could be wrong.
I believe it's because a -4 modifier is more of a D&D standard and most people are familiar with D&D, not FATAL.
Works for me. But I'd have thought that most of /tg/ would be familiar with FATAL, the way fa/tg/uys harp on about it. - Ahri 14:25, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
*I'm sure that most people on /tg/ who talk about Fatal haven't read any of the actual book. In fact I doubt more than a handful have. What we know of Fatal comes from reviews, screenshots and excerpts some people have posted. It's such a bad book it's really not worth going through the actual system just to get to the funny stuff (- strength, anal circumference, etc).--Teataine 15:31, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
You have clearly never seen the "Let's play the FATAL game!" threads on sup/tg/. - Ahri 15:55, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
Protip: sup/tg/ is not /tg/. Ffs, sup/tg/ is where Red Machine D hangs out. That says something about sup/tg/'s relationship to /tg/, no offense to LordLicorice or the great database he put up.--Teataine 19:11, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
RMD frequent /tg/ itself as well. So your argument is plain irrelevant. Fatum 19:43, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
Even if he does, he doesn't use his tripcode. And when he was actually active on /tg/ most of the people hated him. Mentioning RMD back in the day was like trolling with 4E today.--Teataine 19:48, 26 July 2008 (UTC)
As far as I recall back in the day Red Machine D was sort of a meme and his posts became copypasta. --Rodwell 10:34, 27 July 2008 (UTC)
Hold on while we attempt to care. This might take a while. --~~
Oh, you don't care now, do you? Then SHUT THE FUCK UP on the topics you don't care about. Fatum 16:38, 10 October 2008 (UTC)
I'd rather we didn't have any page, talk or otherwise, that has devolved into a discussion about RMD.

I don't see how -4 str is that bad from the Min maxing point of view, -4 str, thats like a whole nother Class level right?

I've seen this posted or paraphrased a few times on /tg/ "-4 Str originates in an accidental missuse of a joke from KotD where Brian is almost accosted by the female for claiming that women have a -5 penalty to their strength checks. That in turn is a purposeful misuse of a real old AD&D rule that gave female fighters -5% penalty to their d100 roll for their Exceptional Strength rule." How true is it? 37 17:43, 3 June 2009 (UTC)

The strength table in 1st Edition D&D has "18/50: maximum strength for human females". So there you go. See also the bit an oldfag put in the article. --NotBrandX 02:02, 25 November 2009 (UTC)