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This article is about something that is considered by the overpowering majority of /tg/ to be fail.
Expect huge amounts of derp and rage, punctuated by /tg/ extracting humor from it.
Worst of them all (provided the system uses roll over)

Here are some examples of failure. If you don't get what I mean after seeing these images then it's ironic, that you're moronic. Oh, fail also causes rage.

Notable Examples[edit]

  • Citadel Combat Cards
  • Finecast
  • Official Citadel Miniatures Paint Pots, complete with poorly-made bottles and tons of stains trying to open them.
  • Age of Sigmar. May still be, depending on your view.
    • Kragnos in 3rd edition lore. Keeps getting trapped by Seraphon. This was supposed to be the Era of the Beast, not Era of Fail!
  • Abaddon - More of a fandom-decided fail than an actual one; despite old material laying out exactly what the first twelve Black Crusades were for, jokes about him trying twelve times to invade the Imperium and getting stopped on the first planet each time were rampant. The 13th one seems to have improved his image.
  • Aaron Dembski-Bowden- Creator of plot holes so absurd they outweigh many of his better works and has crappy opinions.
  • Slaanesh - The culmination of the Eldar’s degenerative folly made manifest into a singular being that not only brought ruin to the entire race, but is a constant reminder of their greatest failure. May or may not also be one in your eyes.
  • Games Workshop
  • Wizards of the Coast
  • Indrick Boreale - Such a miserable failure as a commander that the sequel threw its hands up, admitted he'd gotten his ass kicked, and wrote its plot around why and how he fucked up so badly.
  • Rogal Dorn Battle Tank- Missing undercarriage
  • Primaris Desolators
  • Pyrovore pre-8th edition
  • Mandrake pre-8th edition
  • Racial Holy War - It's one thing that this is a gigantic load of racist horseshit, but it's a gigantic load of racist horseshit attached to a game that literally cannot be played.
  • VTNL
  • Matt Ward
  • FATAL - Some of the worst systems ever designed for a tabletop RPG welded to content that's alternately laughably immature and mind-blowingly awful.
  • Tales of Fail
  • 40K Rules Blooper Reel
  • C.S. Goto
  • Robin Cruddace
  • Warhammer 40k 9th Edition
  • Robotech RPG Tactics specifically the Kickstarter - At least the Battletech fans were happy?
  • Fallout 76
  • Blizzard's Warcraft III: Reforged disaster - Blizzard promised that Reforged would be a vast improvement/update of the much-beloved Warcraft III. It turned out to be a slap-dash mess. What truly ruined it, however, were two decisions Blizzard made. One was to completely delist the original Warcraft III in favor of Reforged, to the point Reforged would force-install itself over people's installed copies of III. The other was a nightmarishly-draconian policy on fan-made content, all because Blizzard had missed out on the original DOTA.
  • Dawn of War III. Basically a mega-fail: The game was so bad, it likely killed any chance of another Dawn of War game in the future.
  • Erda: Indirectly responsible for the entire Horus Heresy because she decided to go full 'Karen took the kids'. Arguably a bigger fuckup than anyone on this list.
  • Female Space Marines - Be warned: as many people like the idea as don't.
  • WG10: Child's Play
  • N2: The Forest Oracle
  • Fascist Italy
  • Warhammer+ - It's one thing to demand extra money for things that by all rights should be free, it's another to drop incendiary devices on popular fan projects just because you don't get any lucre from them.
  • The Cabal - A terribly thought-out side plot meant to explain why the Alpha Legion "allegedly" turned traitor.
  • OGL 1.1 - A terrible and eventually aborted attempt to replace the original OGL 1.0a with something much more draconian.
  • Attack on Titan's ending - Never in manga and anime history did a series with so much potential be squandered by a nonsensical ending filled with stupid plotholes, stupid character assassinations, stupid pandering and stupid everything within a span of a single chapter. Truly a feat of impressive fail. At least the anime got rid of the "It's a GOOD thing you committed genocide" bit.
  • Rooster Teeth - Despite making numerous terrible decisions, both business and creative, this company managed to coast for years on the goodwill of neckbeards everywhere, even as a long and sordid tale of avarice and mistreatment from management filtered its way into the public consciousness. Then Warner Brothers acquired them, discovered the entire enterprise was awash in red ink, and slammed the doors shut in 2024 after trying to wring a few extra bucks from an already dried stone.
  • Ms. Monopoly - A version of an already divisive game with several mechanics (railroads and houses in particular) neutered or removed, but the real killer is the "anti-sexism" mechanic. Female players start with more money and get more money each time they pass go, meaning men have no incentive to play this game at all; on the other hand, women are apt to feel patronized by the game bragging about giving them a handicap. But if these advantage rules are discarded, then the game is just a less-interesting variant of Monopoly.
  • The manga of Bunny Drop - At least Attack on Titan only shat itself at the very end. This series spent its entire second half making incredibly stupid decision after incredibly stupid decision, culminating in destroying its central premise for the sake of setting up an ending nobody wanted. To put it simply: literally every single adaptation has stopped at the original's halfway point.

See also[edit]